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Dark Chocolate Can Help Keep Your Mouth Healthy
Normandy Park, WA

Posted on 11/16/2020 by Watermark Dentistry
Image of a patient from Watermark Dentistry in Normandy Park, WA biting into a chocolate barWhen looking to satisfy that occasional sweet tooth, chocolate may not actually be the menace to dental health many people think it to be. Dark chocolate, the least processed form of chocolate, even has beneficial effects on your mouth! This doesn't mean it's okay to chow down on it regularly, but in moderation, dark chocolate has properties that help boost your oral health, including fighting cavities. Let's look at some of these in more detail.

Healthy Properties of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is the closest form of chocolate to the cocoa bean, and dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa contains polyphenols, which are natural chemicals that can fight off bad bacteria that can cause bad breath. Polyphenols also stop bad bacteria from turning sugars into acids that wear away enamel and cause cavities.

Tannins are also in dark chocolate, which give it its signature bitter flavor. What you may not know about tannins is that they help stop plaque from forming on your teeth by binding to bacteria that causes plaque. However, tannins have the unfortunate side effect of causing stains on your teeth with excessive consumption.

Dark chocolate is also packed with antioxidants that keep your entire body healthy on the cellular level! You may be aware that green tea has a lot of antioxidants, but dark chocolate has been shown to contain up to four times the level of antioxidants that green tea has.

While dark chocolate may have positive effects on your mouth, like any treat it should be eaten in moderation. Negative effects of sugar outweigh the benefits if you eat too much.

It can be hard to know what effects different foods and drinks will have on your mouth. If you ever have questions about how a food or drink will affect your dental health or just to schedule an exam, please feel free to call Watermark Dentistry at (253) 652-0022!
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